The importance of planning a crime prevention project, including conducting • research to identify and examine crime and disorder problems The major phases and numerous steps involved in planning a crime prevention • project How the planning process (in particular the research and analysis stages) epito-• mizes the problem-oriented approach to crime prevention The importance of involving the community and other key partners in the plan-• ning process The skills necessary to undertake and assemble a crime prevention plan•

Chapters 7, 8, and 9 explore the steps involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a community-based crime prevention project. These steps are grouped into four phases, which are summarized as follows:

Phase One: Planning — plan the crime prevention project: Research: identify and describe the community and its crime and disorder • problems. Analysis: examine the data, separating causes from symptoms and facilitators.• Crime prevention plan: develop strategic interventions that are commensurate • with the scope and nature of the identified problems. Evaluation plan: plan the evaluation and carry out “pre-test” evaluation • research before implementing the crime prevention plan.