Thought field therapy (TFT) is among the most efficient of psychological therapies. Similar to other approaches based on applied kinesiology, thought field therapy addresses the acupuncture meridians and employs therapy localization to determine effective treatments. Thought field therapy is distinct from other approaches, however after a specific sequence of energy meridians is diagnosed, treatment entails having the patient tap on or near beginning or ending acupoints respective to the involved meridians while continuing to attune or think about the psychological problem (e.g., trauma, phobia, or depression). This is consistent with Goodheart’s finding that tapping or percussing on specific tonification and sedation acupoints is effective in the treatment of physical pain conditions (Walther, 1988). Additionally, the thought field therapy procedures involve assessing subjective units of distress (SUD) periodically during treatment so as to have an ongoing measure of the effects of the treatments.