Aromatic preparations of greatest therapeutic value in skin care are usually mixtures of essential oils, vegetable oils, hydrosols, beeswax, plant waxes, butters and Aloe vera gel. Offering an ideal therapeutic partnership for essential oils, vegetable oils are increasingly being used as key ingredients in cosmetic preparations. Leaving plant material to infuse in suitable vegetable oil for a period of time, after which the mixture is filtered to remove all plant material, results in infused vegetable oils; these contain lipid-soluble constituents of the plant material, including essential oils. Mixing essential oils into mineral oils is inappropriate, as inhibits their absorption. Although mineral oils will not go rancid they provide no nourishment to the skin and are not suitable for use in aromatherapy formulations. Occlusion can significantly affect skin permeation of essential oils and if it causes extended hydration of the skin this may be problematic.