Aspects of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration 1992 can also be found in Principle 23 of the World Charter for Nature 1982 (see commentary, Chapter 6, pp 565-66, above), Arts 2(6) and 3(8) of the ECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment 1991 (see pp 751 et seq below), Art 14 of the Biodiversity Convention 1992 (see commentary and text, Chapter 6, p 583, above), and in respect of access to environmental information, in EC Directives 85/337 and 90/313 (see pp 782 and 804, below). The inclusion of provisions relating to participatory rights in environmental decision-making processes within these global as well as regional instruments reflects significant international support among States for procedural as opposed to substantive environmental rights (Boyle (1996) 61).