Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards achieving goals. Regarding the number of printed pages devoted to the subject, leadership appears to be one of the most critical work and organizational psychology issues. Consequently, various theories have been developed to explain leadership. These theories can roughly be studied in four approaches: trait theories, behavioural theories, contingency theories, and recent theories (including the attribution perspective, charismatic leadership, and transactional and transformational leadership). The study of leadership has expanded to include visionary approaches to leadership. As we learn more about the personal characteristics that followers attribute to charismatic and transformational leaders and the conditions that facilitate their emergence, we should be better able to predict when followers will exhibit extraordinary commitment and loyalty to their leaders and their goals. In line with the developments in positive organizational behaviour, research showed that positive leadership (i.e., positive climate, positive relationships, positive communication, and positive meaning) and authenticity from the leaders play an important role in job performance and retention of employees.