Information gathering (to be completed in an informal meeting with parents/carers or other key adults who know the young person):

Area Comments from parents/carers/key adults

Understanding of autism

e.g., has this been discussed previously? What words have been used?


Session planning

e.g., times of day/lessons to avoid, rooms to avoid, things that would help create a positive atmosphere/activity to end session



e.g., food, activities, lessons, programmes, music, sports etc.


Personality traits

e.g., calm, friendly, serious, honest, talkative etc.


Interests and focus

e.g., being able to focus all attention on one topic/activity, imagination, interests, switching attention, organisation etc.


Social and communication

e.g., talking to new people, working in groups/alone, busy places, processing verbal input, playing with others, communication preferences, echolalia, ways of showing they care etc.



e.g., taste, touch, smell, sound, sight, proprioception, vestibular, interoception etc.



e.g., as a calming activity or expression of emotion.


Routine and structure

e.g., knowing the plan, coping with change, time to recharge, things that they find calming etc.



e.g., examples of situations in which they mask, things that help them be their true self.


Emotions and energy levels

e.g., understanding of emotions and ability to communicate and respond to them.