Manufacturing needs good people. Sometimes “thinking outside the box” is simply a matter of understanding what people want and need when choosing a job or becoming a long-term employee. Cross-trained employees can increase operational flexibility. A balanced workload, among employees, helps to maintain a steady rhythm, contributing to a continuous workflow and the creation of an equitable work environment. When walking the shop floor, gauge people’s emotions and look for opportunities to boost employee morale. Contented employees tend to be motivated employees. Training and experience comes in many forms including employee coaching and mentoring, engaging in workshops, on-the-job training, taking classes, observing others, attending academic courses, and through self-study. Work place design, cleanliness, orderliness, and ergonomics can go a long way to maximizing employee satisfaction, retention, and efficiency. During the pandemic, the company took exceptional measures to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to protect employees from getting or spreading the Covid-19 virus.