This chapter analyzes the morphological characteristics of immersive communication. Immersive communication is a human-centered, open media form. It contains all the old and new, tangible or intangible media that can produce, transmit, display, and receive information. Immersive communication makes the boundaries separating entertainment, work, and life disappear, enabling the functioning of omnipotent communication. In immersive communication, communication is instant and anytime. Communication can pass through time and space and bring the past, present, and future together. The person who is at the center of immersive communication is an “invisible man,” formless, intangible, and invisible, with the characteristics of electronic communication and electronic human nature. Immersive communication connects all types of media to work together to meet human society’s increasing information needs. From the perspective of the space of immersive communication, the environment is the media, and the media is the environment.