This chapter presents daughters became the devouring mothers of the two women whose case history. Both women's at a certain point in their analysis felt it imperative to find corroboration for their memories. It is a psychoanalytic commonplace that parents who sexually abuse their children were themselves abused. That this form of sexual transgression is transgenerational goes almost without saying. Transgenerational usually means that a member of an older generation breaches the boundary of someone younger. Besides their need to test reality, analysands shared dissociation as a partial enactment of their traumata; they suffered depressions, sexual dysfunction, curtailed object relationships, and at times, sexual identity confusion. The analytic biography of Mrs. Raphael left with was a far cry from the smooth narrative she arrived with. Informed by psychic as well as historic truth, she felt she could “trust herself now to keep doing the right thing for herself and her daughter without putting anyone down.”.