In 1965, Government of India established the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) as the lead agency to promote and assist dairy development in the country. The Government of India and the Project Authority showed boldness in entrusting national dairy development to the rural milk producers themselves through their own cooperatives. The newly established NDDB initiated a national dairy development program in 1970 with the assistance of the World Food Program of the United Nations. An internal study of NDDB using a slightly different methodology has shown that the program's return on investment will be 35 per cent. Mr. Kurien, who had gone to Anand only for a temporary assignment, decided to stay on and eventually became the chief executive of Amul and the chairman of NDDB. A major task of NDDB in Operation Flood was to assist in the creation of such viable organisational structures in each of the 18 selected rural milksheds.