The intention of this essay is to portray the political geography of East Mrica by examining from the standpoint of the geographer the political issues which are of greatest concern to the people of the area. Undoubtedly the most fundamental issue facing the politicians of East Mrica is that of creating a national interest to replace the tribal particularism of the traditional systems of government which had been cultivated during the colonial era. At the same time, the strength of regional differences within the various states of East Africa must be recognized, for these are often important in the manipulation of political forces in each country and in the drafting of their constitutions. In contrast, there is throughout Mrica a desire to associate internationally as part of a Pan-Mrican ideal, of which the creation of the Organization of Mrican Unity is a manifestation. As a step towards achieving this ideal, the East Mrican states might move towards a closer union between themselves, a move which would necessitate a suppression of local nationalisms.