Skeat records that the Negritos of Siong, S. Kedah, told him that “the object of their entire set of quiver patterns was to bring down various species of monkeys and apes and other small mammals”. Bamboo cylinder for holding tobacco, decorated with engraved patterns. The true Negrito weapon, the bow, is never decorated, while the bamboo quiver for its arrows is also without patterns, or has them very rarely. The information that, according to the Kintak Bong, Tak Piagok and Yak Tanggoi originated the patterns is interesting, but another version is that it was Yak Jalang who taught the Negritos how to make combs. Negritos generally confine their artistic efforts to decorating their bamboo combs, quivers for blowpipe darts, blowpipes and other objects in more or less daily use, but an exception must be made in regard to drawings on the walls of caves.