This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book investigates the playful artistic intervention of a music-route in Montreal, Canada. It focuses on artistic responses to the Walking with Wordsworth and Basho exhibition held at Dove Cottage in the Lake District, UK. The book develops an analytical view on artistic mobility and history through their examination of the mobility entanglements of representations of the Dardanelles straits originating from two late seventeenth-century French journeys to the Ottoman Empire. It describes the notion of 'reflective assemblages' and 'comobility' through locative media art. The book examines sonic and theatrical artistic interventions as a contribution to the development of mobile methods through a discussion of the work of the Italian artist Daniela de Paulis and the German theater group Rimini Protokoll. It reviews the 'spectral' sounds of motorways by engaging with artists that have sought to listen to roads beyond their 'unreadable surfaces'.