In September 2008, the Albert S. Cook Library at Towson University implemented an intranet to support the various functions of the library’s Reference Department. This intranet is called the RefPortal. After exploring open source options and other Web 2.0 tools, the department (under the guidance of the library technology coordinator) chose Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, a proprietary product, as their intranet platform. Various components of SharePoint fulfill the Reference Department’s needs, which include recording reference transactions, publishing policies and procedures, and sharing pertinent information at the reference desk. Several lessons and best practices have emerged since the department’s initial SharePoint implementation. A survey of reference staff indicates satisfaction with the RefPortal, but more training is needed for the portal to be used to its maximum potential. Staff use of the portal has served as an example for other departments in the library and for the university. In the future, the Reference Department plans to explore unused SharePoint components to solve additional departmental needs and to continually assess and maintain the existing implementation.