Shakespeare was easily his favourite poet, praised as amongst the greatest who had enriched the English tongue, as a lyric poet, as one most passionate to bewail the perplexities of love, as a writer of comedy and tragedy. 'As Plautus and Seneca are accounted the best for comedy and tragedy among the Latins, so Shakespeare among the English is the most excellent in both kinds for the stage'. Shakespeare now returned to comedy, rewriting an old play which he called much Ado about nothing. Shakespeare added some low comedy which would appeal to a London audience. Young gentlemen who walked abroad by night knew well enough the shortcomings, and the stolid obstinacy, of a London watch. Every Man in His Humour was a very neat comedy. Jonson kept to his intention of displaying folly as exhibited in a number of foolish persons of all kinds. Every Man in his Humour was perfectly in tune with the current mood.