This chapter attempts to identify the goals for development under the Peruvian government's Plan and describes their evolution. It examines the coherency within this evolution and looks at the results of the Plan. The chapter focuses on the emergence of central planning in Peru and draws on how the income redistribution objective was introduced during President Belaunde's regime. It shows that the income redistribution objective became a priority objective as of 1968, during the military junta and explores the discussion on the agricultural sector. The chapter argues that the Development Plan 1971-1975 was not viable, and, that there were several ambiguities in the conception' of the agrarian reform, leading to a contradiction between the type of reform and the equity objective. The long run development strategy which was published in 1968 stressed the need for an agrarian reform. Both the 1964 and the 1969 agrarian reform laws dealt extensively with what kind of land was to be expropriated.