This chapter explores the evolution and state of development of new ways of working (NWW), the changes it can make to services and the service user experience, and its future potential. NWW is producing some encouraging results, but it also faces significant challenges. Since 2003, more proactive mental health providers have realised that there are other drivers for NWW. NWW across the primary–secondary care interface is essential if providers are to survive when Practice Based Commissioning really gets underway. Nationally, the NWW programme has been co-ordinated by the National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE) National Workforce Programme, now part of the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP). The National Steering Group continues to meet, and there are now multi-professional sub-groups, with strong service user and carer involvement, looking at what NWW means for each profession. At individual and professional level there are concerns that NWW is a way of cutting costs or ‘dumbing down’ the skill-mix of the workforce.