Now that I have hetherto set furthe what Rhetorique is, whereunto every Orator is moste bounde, what the causes bee, bothe in their nature, and also by noraber, that comprehende every matter, and what places 5 serve to confirme every cause: I thinke it is moste mete after the knowlege of all these, to frame an Oracion accordingly, and to shew at large, the partes of every Oracion, (but specially suche as are used in judgement) that unto every cause, apte partes maie 10 evermore bee added. For every matter hath a diverse beginnyng, neither al controversies, or matters of weight should alwaies after one sort be rehersed, nor like reasons used, nor one kynd of movyng affeccions, occupied before all men, and in every matter. And 15 therfore, wheras I have briefly spoken of them before, I wil now largely declare them, and shewe the use of theim in every matter, that cometh in debate, and is nedeful, through reason to be discussed.