The occurrence of and the damage caused by the South American cucurbit fruit fly (SACFF), Anastrepha grandis (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae), are major limiting factors in the production and commercialization of Cucurbitaceae worldwide. Brazil has endemic populations of SACFF in the south-central region. The north and northeast regions do not have endemic populations of the SACFF, allowing the establishment of a SACFF Pest Free Area (PFA) in Ceara and Rio Grande do Norte State. There are also some areas where SACFF is present at low prevalence, allowing the implementation of a SACFF Systems Approach. The areas are maintained using the principles of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM). AW-IPM of SACFF has been practiced in Brazil for many years to protect the phytosanitary status of the areas. Recent research has looked more specifically at the bioecology of SACFF, especially its thermal development requirements. The success of AQ-IPM programs is highly dependent on effective fruit fly trapping, appropriate and quick response to incursions, and an active participation by all growers and the rest of the community and stakeholders in the area under the AW-IPM program. This chapter describes AW-IPM schemes and measures currently being used in Brazil to maintain and expanded the SACFF PFA and SACFF Systems Approach. These phytosanitary schemes are key to maintain Brazil’s status as one of the main world producers and exporters of melons and cucurbits.