The author grew up in a farming family in East Anglia, UK, working with his father until his untimely death in the early 1960s. With he and his wife and their mid-twenties, and with two young children, they emigrated to Tasmania, the island state of Australia. It was there that the author experienced many of the deeper insights of Nature that he shares in this chapter. What he learned is that everything is energy, all space and matter is energy and all energy is information. Another name for this energy is consciousness. The author describes some of his metaphysical experiences as a dairy farmer in Tasmania, then a beef producer, after which he went on to become an organic farming consultant. Every farmer has choices; it is far too easy to follow the crowd. Nature speaks to us, but this is outside of conventional thinking and humanity has forgotten how to listen to the world of energy. If the reader/farmer can embrace the reality that you are the very matrix of the land that you farm, then you have a future. If you realise that your every thought and emotion stirs the holistic energy of the farm, affecting everything from the micro-organic life in the soil, every plant that grows, all the livestock, then you may one day be teaching other people how to manage the land. It is all about conscious connection, and farmers have the greatest responsibility of anyone.