Diagnosing effective management strategies for the salt-affected areas of each country is useful in developing a sound global ecological and political roadmap. This chapter provides a brief review of the salinity situation in Iran, presents the most used strategies for salinity management in Iranian lands and tables the latest studies conducted to ameliorate salt-affected land in Iran. About 21% of all land in Iran is salt-affected. Due to the vast area of Iran, it is necessary to use various salinity management approaches. Iranian scientists, managers and policymakers practice different approaches because of diverse influential factors (natural, anthropogenic or their combination), as well as the various climatic, vegetative, edaphic and hydrological conditions in the country. During the 21st century, the primary strategies applied in different parts of Iran have been the utilization of floodwaters, leaching, reusing drainage waters, dry drainage and the use saline agriculture including aquaculture and the growth of salt-tolerant crops.