The COVID-19 pandemic has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. This problem becomes important and raises concerns for the Indonesian people. The government has an essential role in protecting the community. Besides, policies are also needed for prevention and negotiating of COVID-19 so that the impact that is felt does not spread. This study aims to explain the response of the philanthropic movement to government policies in dealing with COVID-19 in Indonesia. This study used qualitative research methods. The data collection process was carried out through interviews with the COVID-19 response team, NGOs, and local communities. The results of this study indicate that the policies set by the government have not been maximized in dealing with the impact of COVID-19, especially the problems associated with basic needs and health facilities for the community. The Negotiation of COVID-19 in Indonesia, which seemed terrible, finally prompted various philanthropic movements to help others and improve the capabilities of people who affected by COVID-19.