This chapter provides an insight of the above issues and draws the attention to the benefits of a clear and inclusive strategy and of a fit-for-purpose formalization framework. The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is threatening cities and settlements all over the world, endangering not only public health but also the economy and the structure of society, forcing people apart as people try to slow the spread of the virus. Decision-making for such preparation must be evidence-based; therefore, availability of reliable and affordable geospatial data in a timely manner is crucial. A globalized economy has developed and the world has been on a constant move to urbanization. Surveyors have always been in the front line aiming to provide the most appropriate policies, methods and tools to provide the required geo-referenced data to support the management of the emerging mega cities. The World Bank reports that the COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the global economy into its deepest recession since World War II.