Referring to previous research, the use of natural fiber materials can increase consumer interest while answering the need of people who apply the “Back to Nature” lifestyle especially in home living. Then in this follow-up research will implement natural fiber materials to home living textile products targeting the community as a target market that adopt the “Back to Nature” lifestyle. The movement to implement materials made from natural fibers, which can be called sustainable fashion, is increasingly echoed in Indonesian society, its practice is expected to fulfill several points in The Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations especially responsible consumption and production. At that moment, it was seen that there was an opportunity for this home living product to be useful for various things in everyday life. So the use of materials that are in accordance with the character of the target market is very necessary. This study uses a qualitative method with a business opportunity planning approach, which is considered to be one of the innovations that have the opportunity to be developed in the business realm and increase the creative industry in Indonesia.