In the era of globalization, international relations are increasingly complex and involve not only state, supra-state, non-state actors, but also substate actors, including in international development cooperation. In the national context, the Indonesian government views the meaning of the use of international development cooperation to support economic growth through trade and investment. However, according to a report from Bappenas, so far the Indonesian government has only prioritized the role of Ministries/Institutions as representatives of the government with non-government actors such as BUMN, BUMS, and universities to support international development cooperation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out by means of literature study and interviews with provincial governments, district governments, and city governments throughout Indonesia. From the results of this study, data shows that paradiplomacy is very important for the achievement of SDGs which is one of the objectives of implementing international development cooperation as intermestic issue.