Their COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the disruption of the economy of the world, including in Indonesia. Besides that, COVID-19 was also influential in the world of business. Some companies, small, medium, and large, were forced to close their business for a while. This research aims to determine the factors that are considered in selecting suppliers at coffee shops in Malang, as well as to determine what factors are dominant to be considered in the selection of suppliers in coffee shops in Malang. Research is carried out on the proprietors of coffee shops in Malang using purposive sampling. The collection of data was via a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5 as an indicator. The test instrument in the research is to use the test validity and test reliability, and a method of analysis using the analysis of factors with SPSS 23. This research resulted in the factors being considered, namely the factors of flexibility, price, quality, and reputation and position in the industry.