Sweden's strategy for handling the pandemic in their country has polarized the global response, which tends to condemn it. The non-coercive strategy applied by the Swedish government by implementing the idea of building herd immunity among their citizens informed Sweden's less stringent management in handling the Covid-19. The question thus arises from an analysis of Sweden's image as one of the countries with the best quality health systems in the world. However, this fact does not imply that Sweden is facing a consequential wave of Covid-19, due to its high cumulative mortality rate compared to other EU member states. Another question that arises is why the Swedish government did not impose any strict health measurements for the Covid-19 mitigation just like the other states? This research focuses on two aspects: the health care aspect and the government policy-making. This study aims to reflect on how the Swedish government has managed the pandemic in their country by using the non-coercive strategy and its relevance to Barry Buzan's securitization approach. The brief conclusion of this study is that the Swedish government did not impose any strict health measurements because Covid-19 in Sweden is not a part of politicization nor securitization. In addition, they did not perceive Coviod-19 as an existential threat for them.