Cone penetration tests (CPT and CPTu) are unique geotechnical in-situ tools for soil behavior classification (SBC). Identification and classification of subsurface marine layers help geotechnical engineers analyze, design, and monitor. Thus, a significant database of 398 cases was collected from 58 sites in 18 countries with CPTu soundings, and soil profiling obtained by direct boring and laboratory testing, namely AUT: CPTu&GMD (Amirkabir University of Technology): Geo-Marine CPTu Database. Furthermore, diverse essential parameters such as normalized cone resistance qt, friction ratio Rf, soil behavior type index ISBT are available at 0.1 m intervals. CPTu-based classification methods were subdivided into three generations, and several methods for marine deposits were examined utilizing 57 case studies from the AUT: CPTu&GMD. The results indicated that directly incorporating all three parameters of qc, fs, and u2 is recognized to be more accurate than utilizing mathematical relationships, which reduces uncertainties and increases accuracy in identifying subsurface layers.