The restriction of digital learning is a controversial policy in which the government promotes “Freedom of Learning,” but eliminates it. This qualitative study aims to demonstrate the paradox of education by highlighting the risks that must be taken. Primary data were collected through observation, Google Forms, and in-depth interviews via WhatsApp. Respondents consisted of junior and senior high school students, parents, and teachers in DKI Jakarta. Secondary data came from previous research and online news. This finding shows three facts, namely students who are low motivated or undisciplined, unskilled teachers, and parents who do not support students’ digital learning processes. Thus, the basic needs of students are sacrificed by forcing face-to-face learning. The development and improvement of teacher skills in digital pedagogy is very urgent so that education can answer the demands of the times: technology-friendly, collaborative, creative, competent, innovative, and able to create participatory opportunities for future nation-building.