In today's digital era, there are still many teachers who are not literate in information technology and do not yet have information and communication technology (ICT) literacy competence. So teachers are required to carry out learning innovations. This study aims to identify, analyze, and interpret all challenges to ICT literacy competencies in the digital learning era faced by teachers. This study uses a qualitative method with a systematic literature review (SLR). The stages in the SLR method are reviewing, identifying, and analyzing journal articles with certain themes on the Google Scholar platform systematically, and in each process following the steps or procedures that have been set. The results of the research show several challenges for teachers in mastering ICT literacy competencies in learning: (1) Teachers are not proficient in using IT-based learning tools. (2) Information and communication technology literacy is a new competency that is a necessity in teaching and learning activities in the digital era. (3) Teachers need to improve ICT literacy competence by training and competency development through digital literacy training programs. The synthesis in this research found the biggest challenge for teachers – having to master digital literacy competency procedures, namely: accessing, selecting, understanding, analyzing, verifying, evaluating, distributing, producing, participating, and collaborating in utilizing the information obtained in learning, so that teachers are able to innovate learning.