Various models of multicultural education in each school and their approaches are interesting to be studied. This study analyzes the education model in a Tzu Chi school, which includes a variety of cultures, races, and religions, and integrates with the dimensions of multicultural education (James Banks 2006). This study uses a descriptive qualitative method, with interviews with religious teachers at the school. The results of this study indicate that the five dimensions that have been declared are fulfilled: (1) Dimensions of material integration by applying the mandatory material, namely learning humanist culture; (2) The knowledge dimension is fulfilled with a complete understanding of the child and is reflected in the attitude of respect, respect, and tolerance between races, cultures, and religions; (3) The dimension of reducing prejudice is fulfilled, seeing the teacher directing students in organizing various religious events with cooperation; (4) The dimensions of education are the same with the form of providing the same places of worship for all religions and not leaning toward one religion; (5) The dimension of school culture empowerment in the form of group learning culture implemented in Tzu chi schools. The researcher concludes that although the education model is humanist and respectful of each other, it does not reduce each other's religious beliefs because the dimensions of harmony are exclusive.