This article investigates the role of wives of terror convicts in the deradicalization of their husbands. This article uses a case study that the results supported by the micro and macro-level analysis of the deradicalization process by Doosje et al. (2016) and the importance of the family's role in radicalization and deradicalization by Sikken et al. (2017), El-Amraoui & Ducol (2019), and Yayla (2020). Thus, I argue that there are two factors, external and internal to deradicalize terror convicts. The external factor is an intervention that presents many actors that the terror convicts do not know such as academics, religious leaders, and psychologists that influence terror convicts’ ideology. Whereas, the internal factor comes from people who have emotional bonds such as mothers, wives, and children. This study is expected to become a vital addition to the literature on Islam and deradicalization study.