This study will examine women's social movements in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) that provided various forms of empowerment to women in pesantren and their resistance to patriarchal culture. This is because women in pesantren have limitations due to the strong patriarchal culture. This study used descriptive qualitative methods and data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The object of this research study is a community called FASANTRI (Female Islamic Boarding School Educator Gathering Forum or Forum Silaturahmi Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Putri). The results of this study indicate that women's social movement in pesantren is manifested in two forms, namely empowering women through providing services for both prevention and handling of victims of sexual violence, and some forms of cultural resistance, namely by forming the forum itself, thus providing a medium for female educators to voice various issues that they want to be voiced. and providing a medium to develop the potential of female educators and students.