The advantages of reducing the transport of aggressive agents through the concrete cover, either through the use of cements with lower carbon footprint, incorporating supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) or using high performance concrete (HPC) to increase its density, are proven technologies to extend the service-life of concrete structures.

Another challenge is to delay the initiation of corrosion by using systems capable of increasing the corrosion resistance of reinforcement. The incorporation of additives in the concrete matrix with corrosion-inhibiting properties to improve the interaction between reinforcement and concrete at the interface. Inhibitors encapsulation is a promising technology that follows a controlled release of the inhibition part and at the same time is effective in capturing chloride. On the other hand, there is the use of new types of reinforcement, such as stainless steel, which significantly increase the critical chloride content to prevent the initiation of corrosion during the service-life.