Industrial security becomes increasingly popular nowadays along with development of many industries in Indonesia. This phenomenon increases the demand for qualified and professional security officers. To be considered qualified and professional, someone needs to join a security training, which is available in many private companies that provide security training under the supervision of police officers. There are 200 security training companies in West Java that compete in this business. To attract more customers, PT. Caraka Sakti Utama uses seven social media marketing tools and the most active one is Facebook. Based on previous studies, social media has a significant impact on purchase intention. Social media marketing as a part of digital marketing contributes to building a trusted brand, improves business performance, measures business activity, improves customers’ satisfaction, and increases sales. This study is quantitative method used simple random sampling aimed at analyzing the effect of Facebook marketing, brand awareness, and WOM toward Purchase Intention of PT. Caraka Sakti Utama's new customers.