The readiness of organizations in Indonesia to implement industry 4.0 can be measured by referring to the INDI 4.0 index which is part of the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap. The People and Culture Pillar in INDI 4.0 has a greater value weight than the other pillars. In Indonesia, the readiness of human resources in a company's shift to Industry 4.0 determines its success or failure. The main factor is that the company must have core competencies, which are skills and behaviors required to compete and retain supremacy. It aims at assisting companies in achieving a competitive advantage and winning market segmentation in Indonesia in the industrial 4.0 era and contributing to the implementation of industry 4.0 in Indonesia. The research objective is to identify the company's core competencies, as the basis for the competence of all employees, which are needed by the company to facilitate the implementation of industry 4.0. This study uses a qualitative approach that includes a literature review on industry 4.0 competencies in the manufacturing industry, a review of the company's internal documents, and interviews with related informants. The strategy is to employ a case study of PT XYZ, an Indonesian automotive manufacturer that is one of five types of industries prepared by the government to compete with other state-owned enterprises in the industry 4.0 era. The research results were classified into four core competencies based on the characteristics of the research objects, such as Brand Value, Understanding Oriented, Efficiency Oriented, and Spirit of Improvement. However, if there was a potential change in organizational goals and industry trends in the future, it would be able to produce different core competencies as well.