Refurbishment of TBMs is an activity that has become a more common task in the last years due to various factor: improvement of cost and schedule in the overall procurement and manufacturing process, alignment with the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG), and reduction of CO2 emissions, etc. In addition, it is a fact that a refurbished TBM is normally performing better than a brand new one, as a refurbished one has not only been tested before but improved for the new performance. ACCIONA executed the M30 project (Madrid, SPAIN) with a 15,2 m OD EPB TBM that was the biggest of the world at the time (2005). After finishing the project, the TBM was dismantled and has been maintained during years in a yard in Villarubia de Santiago (Spain). In 2020 ACCIONA got awarded the project S19 Rzeszów Południe – Babica, where the TBM proposed was the same as the used in the M30 project in Madrid. The paper will describe how ACCIONA´s Self Performance Office (SPO) office has refurbished the TBM, updating all the main components and adapting the TBM to the new challenging project requirements (pressures up to 6.5 bars), describing the complex operations of cleaning, rebuilding and adapting the new and more modern components to the previous TBM, including the precast factory molds.