Maharesigana organization consists of students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. They are the volunteer COVID-19 task force who work in the campus environment and ensure campus residents are safe from the COVID-19 virus. Motivation is pivotal for volunteering and must be evaluated to make volunteering a more evidence-based initiative. What motivates volunteers to work needs to be studied because motivation is proven to satisfy volunteers. Several studies have shown a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. The subjects in this study were 114 volunteers from Maharesigana. Data analysis was carried out using SEM-PLS with WARP PLS 5 software. The results of statistical tests used the PLS concerning the effect of volunteer motivation and affective commitment. The significance of the p-value of the relationship is 0.02 (<0.005), which means the hypothesis is accepted. The table also shows a path coefficient of 0.70. It shows that volunteer motivation has a relationship that is aligned with volunteer satisfaction.