Packaging plays a major role in food products’ protection and shelf life. Every day, tons of packaging ends up in the world's landfills, most of which is harmful to the environment. The world is looking for alternative raw materials and finds bagasse and rice husks as basic paper-making materials. Bagasse has fiber properties almost the same as broadleaf wood, namely long and strong, while rice husk has short and flexible fiber properties. This underlies the selection of bagasse and rice husks as alternative materials for making paper as environmentally friendly packaging. This research aims to make environmentally friendly paper packaging with bagasse and rice husks as the basic ingredients, in the manufacture of packaging paper with the organosolv method, carried out by previous researchers with three stages of work, namely the stage of making bagasse with the delignification process, the stage of making paper pulp, and the stage of sheet printing. The results showed that packaging paper with the addition of cooking solution produced stronger and softer wood fibers that were easier to form into paper.