Artificial insemination using liquid semen is an appropriate method for improving genetic quality in areas This study aims to find a combination of coconut water and egg yolk that can be used as a semen diluent during cold storage in Boer goats. Boer goats used were 3–4 years old and semen collected for 1 week 2 times using an artificial vagina. The method used is an experimental laboratory, and the design used is Randomised Design Group using 4 treatments and 10 replicates of each treatment as a group. Semen was diluted with coconut water and egg yolk diluent with the ratio of dilution composition in each treatment as follows: First treatment as control (P0) = CEP-3 + 10% egg yolk + 0.4% egg white, Second treatment (P1) = 90% coconut water + 10% egg yolk, Third treatment (P2) = 85% coconut water + 15% egg yolk and fourth treatment (P3) = 80% coconut water + 20% egg yolk. The variables observed in the study were the quality of spermatozoa, that is the percentage of individual motility, viability, and abnormality of spermatozoa. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and there were differences between treatments then continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the quality of semen in fresh semen was a volume namely: 0.99 ± 0.11 ml, with a yellowish white color, motility of spermatozoa = 73 ± 3.5%, the viability of spermatozoa: 77.19 ± 4.54%, abnormality of spermatozoa = 8.96 ± 1.05 and spermatozoa concentration 4,120 ± 441.46 million/ml. It was concluded that the addition of 20% egg yolk can maintain the motility of spermatozoa until the third day with individual motility >40.41%.