Education, which previously was conducted face-to-face, is forced to be done online in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, online learning has weaknesses, for example, the lack of monitoring by the teachers and the increase of academic dishonesty attempts by the students. The current existing measuring instrument for academic dishonesty is not yet covering the field of online learning. Therefore, this research is aimed to develop an academic dishonesty scale for online learning. The scale developed consists of four dimensions: intentional cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and the facilitation of academic dishonesty or helping someone to do such things. It has 22 items and was in the Likert model. This research was conducted by involving 62 students from two different universities. The content validity was discussed by a series of meetings involving expertise both in psychometric and educational psychology. Based on the statistical analysis, the scale of online academic dishonesty has Cronbach's reliability of 0.861 and has a good discriminatory power. These all provide evidences that this scale has good validity and reliability and thus, could be used to investigate academic dishonesty specifically during online learning.