
AI has changed our lives in many aspects, including the way we (as humans) interact with internet and computational devices, but also on way devices interact with us, and among them, in most of the processes of the industry and other socioeconomic domains, where machine learning (ML) based applications arc getting increasing influence. Internet of Things (IoT) plays a key role in these process interactions, by providing contextual information that requires to be processed for extracting intelligence that would largely improve them. However, the delivery of ML-based applications for IoT domains faces the intrinsic complexity of ML operations, and the online interoperability with IoT devices. In this chapter, we present the IoT-NGIN ML as a service (MLaaS) platform, an MLOps platform devised for the delivery of intelligent 64applications for IoT. Its services for online deep learning (DL) training and inference, ML model conversion and sharing, and zero-knowledge model verification based on blockchain technology are also presented.