Quality of life (QoL) is a broad term that encompasses notions of a good life, a valued life, a satisfying life and a happy life (McCrea et al., 2006). For our study, we adopted a definition from Foo (2000) that defines urban QoL as the overall satisfaction of an individual with life. There is a consensus among researchers, policy-makers and planners on the need to study QoL in urban areas. Such studies are important, for instance, when policy-makers are deciding on the most effective means of improving standards of living. Outcomes of QoL studies may help city planners understand and prioritise the problems a community faces. QoL research in urban areas has, therefore, received increasing attention (Bonaiuto et al., 2003; Brereton et al., 2008; Lee, 2008; Møller, 2007; Moro et al., 2008).