This study discusses the pesantren education system. Pesantren is a social and educational institution specialized in Islamic religious education. Pesantren as an educational institution has long historical roots. Pesantren is often regarded as a traditional educational institution that often resist from modernized trend and innovation. Factually, in certain times in the past, pesantren was identified as a symbol of backwardness and opacity. This study aims to answer the question: Is it true that pesantren, as a traditional boarding educational institution, is difficult to accept a change towards modernity and unable to adjust itself to social development? In the midst of globalisation, how Pesantren survives facing the challenges of the times? Method of this research uses historical approach, while data was collected through library research, interviews, and direct observation. The result shows that pesantren is a dynamic educational institution which follows the growth and the dynamics of education in Indonesia. The main guideline to perform changes in pesantren was based on the principle of https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315213620/8b885dc9-193f-4fce-8bae-b8d134092907/content/ufig291_1.tif"/> (maintaining the existing old which is good, and ratifying the new when it is better). While pesantren has to develop itself into better innovation, it does not always need to replace the existing programs when are still considered beneficially important and valid.