The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between teacher efficacy and teaching strategies in inclusive private primary schools. This research was conducted in 11 inclusive private primary schools in Jakarta and Depok, Indonesia, with a total sample of 70 teachers. The Teacher’s Sense of Efficacy Scale and the Bender Classroom Structure Questionnaire were administered to measure teacher efficacy and inclusive teaching strategies, respectively. Significant positive correlation was found between teacher efficacy and teaching strategies in inclusive private primary schools (r(70) = 0.247, p < 0.05). This showed that teachers with high efficacy were more often employing different teaching strategies. Differences in the correlation between teacher efficacy and teaching strategies were observed from whether the teacher had had training before. No differences were found in the correlation between teacher efficacy (t(68) = −0.026, p > 0.05) and teaching strategies (t(68) = 0.188, p > 0.05) on teachers who had and had not received training. This showed that both teachers with and without training had the same efficacy in teaching and employing inclusive teaching strategies in the classroom.