The southeastern part of the Titicaca Lake near the Cohana Bay in the Bolivian Altiplano, has environmental problems caused mainly by urban and industrial wastes upstream of the Katari Basin and by natural geological conditions. This environmental condition has generated an increase in the concentrations of some trace elements in the groundwater. The Moran’s I statistic was used with LISA (Local Indicators of Spatial Association) method to know the spatial autocorrelation and the spatial variability of As, Sb, B, Al, Mn and F. Arsenic and antimony are the main pollutants due to natural geological conditions and boron due to the anthropogenic activities. Almost half of all the shallow groundwater samples exceeded the WHO and NB-512 guideline values mainly for antimony, boron and arsenic, whereby the spatial distribution of these trace elements in groundwater raises a significant concern about drinking water quality.