Thalassemia major is a chronic disease requiring regular transfusions that may result in iron loading, iron excess complications—such as in heart, liver, endocrine organs, and lung diseases. Restrictive pulmonary dysfunction is known as the dominantly observed. A pulmonary function test was conducted in 50 children aged 6-18 years with TM with no history of chronic respiratory disease. Assessment of nutritional status was based on the anthropometric examination (BW/H and MUAC/A). Among the 50 children, 18 (36%) had restrictive lung function. The mean ferritin levels of the restrictive pulmonary dysfunction group (2096.6 ug/L) was lower than the normal pulmonary function group (2209.6 ug/L). Nine of 18 children were mildly malnourished in the restrictive pulmonary dysfunction group (OR = 6.890; CI95% = 1.152-41.340). There is no significant correlation between serum ferritin level and restrictive pulmonary dysfunction in children with TM. Mild malnutrition increases the risk of restrictive pulmonary dysfunction occurrence in pediatric TM.