This chapter presents the field investigation, laboratory testing, and full-scale installation of a sequenced Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) for the purpose of pretreating the nitrate concentrations in order to remediate Trichloroethene (TCE) using a Zero-valent iron (ZVI) PRB. The site historically operated as a chemical/oil recycling and treatment facility until a destructive fire in February 2001. As the Damplands property has no onsite workers with little to no likelihood for using groundwater for irrigation purposes, the most relevant remediation criteria for TCE was the ecological criteria for the protection of the Helena River. The column experiments indicated that both the ZVI materials tested completely degraded TCE present in the site groundwater samples to below the remediation targets and laboratory limits of reporting without breakthrough of any chlorinated intermediate breakdown products. The groundwater obtained from the site was pumped upwards through the columns at a constant flow velocity using a precision variable-speed-drive peristaltic pump.