The 2-brane and 4-brane solutions of ten dimensional IIA supergravity have a dual interpretation as Dirichlet-branes, or ‘D-branes’. of type IIA superstring theory and as ‘M-branes’ of an S 1-compactified eleven dimensional supermembrane theory, or M-theory. This eleven-dimensional connection is used to determine the ten-dimensional Lorentz covariant worldvolume action for the Dirichlet super 2-brane, and its coupling to background spacetime fields. It is further used to show that the 2-brane can carry the Ramond-Ramond charge of the Dirichlet 0-brasse as a topological charge, and an interpretation of the 2-brane as a 0-brane condensate is suggested. Similar results are found for the Dirichlet 4-brane via its interpretation as a double-dimensional reduction of the eleven-dimensional fivebrane. It is suggested that the latter be interpreted as a D-brasse of an open eleven-dimensional supermembrane.