This chapter traces changes in cultivation practices and consequent agrarian landscapes in one of the more remote locations in the Fijian archipelago: Kadavu island. It illustrates diversity and persistence, but also change, within Pacific agro-systems, and addresses the opportunities and constraints of market commercialization. While a number of scholars have investigated society–nature relations in these islands, none have bridged disciplinary boundaries more adroitly and emphasized an applied bent than Harold Brookfield. Since the early 1970s his publications have attested to a concern for the environments, cultures and political-ecological processes of economic development within Fiji (Brookfield 1985, 1987, 1988; Brookfield and Hart 1971; Brookfield 1977). Additional theoretical contributions have informed the continuing debate over intensification in Pacific islands agriculture (Brookfield 1972, 1984, 2001a) and are of particular concern here.